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US Patent: 6,459
Bench Plane
Hollow Plane with Adjustable Sole
Charles S. Beardsley (exact or similar names) - Auburn, NY
Simeon Wood (exact or similar names) - New York City, NY

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
woodworking tools : planes : plane beds
woodworking tools : planes : plane adjustment mechanisms : plane throat adjustments


Not known to have been produced

A. P. Brown, Sr.
A. E. Peters

Patent Dates:
Granted: May 22, 1849

Patent Pictures:
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Steve Reynolds
This is a facinating patent based on, I believe, a conundrum that occurs to anyone who has spent anytime planing wood. At some point you start wondering about the physics of the matter, about the relation of the blade to the sole of the plane, and the shaving being removed changing the conditions. Does the heel of the plane ride up off the workpiece because the shaving is removed ahead of it? If the heel is resting on the workpiece, how can the toe also be in contact with it when the shaving thickness wouldn't allow?

Beardsley and Wood found their answer in a plane with a toepiece that is adjustably raised from the heel. The stock of the plane is hollow and the cutter forms part of the sole. Therefore, shavings flow through the mouth and out the rear of the plane, whilst every part of the sole purports to be in contact with the workpiece.

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