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US Patent: 12,590
Improvements in Constructing Adjustable Wrenches
L. D. Gilman (exact or similar names) - Troy, NY

USPTO Classifications:
81/135, 81/143

Tool Categories:
wrenches : wrench adjustment types : quick adjust wrenches


Not known to have been produced

J. J. Savage
Z. Wells

Patent Dates:
Granted: Mar. 27, 1855

Patent Pictures:
L.D. Gilman Pat. March 27, 1855
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
A hinged toothed segment is held in engagement with rack teeth cut on the main shank by the action of a cam lever. The cam lever is connected to the toothed segment by a strap. There is no screw adjustment, so the official title is misleading.

The design was radically revised by Gilman's July 17, 1855 Added Improvement AI125.

In October 1867 Gilman sought a reissue of the patent; the claims portion of that reissue application was reproduced in the Oct. 30, 1867 AMERICAN ARTISAN.

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