All Patents in class 30/263 |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
5,606X | Aug. 10, 1829 | S.A. Britt | Shears for Shearing Cloth | shears |
44,856 | Nov. 01, 1864 | W.C. Dick | Can Opener | can and jar openers |
372,080 | Oct. 25, 1887 | W.H. Mitchell | Combination Tool | pipe and nut combination wrenches |
495,793 | Apr. 18, 1893 | T. Fletcher | Wrench and Cutter | wrench combination tools |
509,920 | Dec. 05, 1893 | J. Lindsay | Cutting And Gripping Tool | pliers |
511,107 | Dec. 19, 1893 | C. Becker | Combination Tools | pipe wrenches |
515,498 | Feb. 27, 1894 | H. Mork | Universal Tool | combination tools |
522,471 | Jul. 03, 1894 | J. Kohler | Combination Tool For Pipe Fitting | pipe tongs |