All Patents in class 91/45 |
Patents 1 -
of 5
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,698,604 | Jan. 08, 1929 | R. Moore | Floating-lever brake engine | elevators and lifts |
2,393,918 | Jan. 29, 1946 | R.H. McClellan, C.E. Linden | Hydraulic operating and control mechanism | radial drill presses |
2,766,711 | Oct. 16, 1956 | K.P. Martin, L.A. Dever | Press | hydraulic metalworking presses |
3,003,472 | Oct. 10, 1961 | D.C. Miller, R.M. Ferris | Quill Actuating and Clamping Mechanism | milling machines |
3,176,590 | Apr. 06, 1965 | A.H. Dall, H.R. Uhtenwoldt | Clamping Device | metalworking machine mechanisms |